The Ohio State University Inspire
The monthly Inspire Podcast asks Ohio State’s Education and Human Ecology experts — and everyday heroes — about the issues that people encounter in life: mental and physical health, inequity, lifelong learning, raising and teaching children. To discover why ... and why not? Because hidden in our dilemmas and most complex problems are exquisite solutions.
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Awakened to privilege: ‘Rich, white guy’ finds the sweet spot
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Higher education expert and Flesher Professor Matthew Mayhew believes that college is "the great intervention" that motivates students to understand difference — in race, religion and world view. How did an evangelical Christian who grew up with packaged privilege come to that conclusion?
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Black and gifted: A trailblazer's backstory
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Nationally recognized expert Donna Ford tells her backstory on being gifted, black and poor in East Cleveland, and how it motivated her to create change for gifted children of color.
-Robin Chenoweth is a writer for The Ohio State University's College of Education and Human Ecology. She spoke to Dr. Donna Ford, a professor of special education.
The Ohio State University’s College of Education and Human Ecology is a tapestry of people with fascinating stories to tell. Individually and collectively, faculty, staff, students and alumni are led to improve lives, create change and help those outside privilege — often led by their own personal experiences to make change. Here are their stories
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
The Ohio State University Inspire trailer
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Where does the spark to innovate come from? Faculty, alumni and students at Ohio State University’s College of Education and Human Ecology tell how they discovered their calling sometimes against incredible odds. Despite the curve balls thrown at them, these pioneers are led to improve lives and create change for those outside privilege. Our monthly Inspire podcast tells their stories.